V5CAS Protocol Convertor
- 1 to 8 E1 links (V5)
- Up to 24 E1 links (CAS)
- Digital channel cross-connect (non blocking)
- Remote multiplexers (CAS) connectivity to V5 interface (up to 660 subscribers)
- Concentrator according to V5.2 up to 2400 subscribers, for remote multiplexers and/or V5.2 access nodes
- Factory customerable CAS interface for non IRITEL multiplexers
- Network management system SUNCE-M
V5CAS Protocol Convertor provides connection of access multiplexers FM-MSAN and FM2x2 with CAS signalling to telephone exchange with V5 protocol (V5.1/V5.2).
V5CAS enable economic solution to use telephone exchange's V5.2 interfaces for connection access multiplexer with small number of subscribers (60 to 120).
V5CAS enable digital channel cross-connect (64 kbit/s) between all 24 E1 links.
Data sheets (pdf): V5CAS (Serbian), V5CAS (English), V5CAS (Serbian-cyr)